skolen på Bonthe


No. 2 River is located at the western rural area of Freetown. The village lies at the centre of the peninsular road from Lumley to Waterloo. With the beautiful landscape of this village, it is curved like an arc with the peninsular mountain containing different vegetations and wonderful animals on one side and the Atlantic Ocean with its beautiful fishes and shell fishes on the other.

No. 2 River is popularly known for its beautiful beach for tourist’s attraction and was once known as the camp of a military battalion in the1950s to 1960s. With its long history, this village was found after the free slaves in America were brought to Africa that is Freetown.

The village is a large community with a population closer to one thousand with 50% children, 40% youth and 10% adults. This community is situated by the Atlantic and therefore, the main source of livelihood of this community is fishing, farming and business.

With this great history and growing population of this community, yet there is no school for the children to attend, no health facility to cure the sick and injured, no market and definitely no structure for the children and youths. The children of this community have to walk forsome kilometres to the neighbouring villages to attend primary schools and even when they graduate to secondary schools, the parents are bound to move their children from the village to Freetown or other big towns or rather pay almost five (5) dollars per day as transport to the nearest secondary schools. In Sierra Leone, majority of the households live below ten (10) dollars per day, so as a result, most children whose parents cannot afford the transportation fare to school have to drop out of school and ends up living the rest of their lives as motor bike (okada) riders, fishermen, farmers, businessmen or beach boys for the boys and for the girls, they end up being in early or forceful marriages or businesswomen. Consequently, the young boys ending up being fishermen in most cases lose their lives in the fishing processes because they are not well equipped to do the job.

With a school in this community, we will help change the abject poverty of this community, women marginalisation and abuse, and also save the lives of these innocent children and their children yet unborn. Secondly, with better education, the community elders will be able to foresee the future and make better decisions for their offspring. For instance, with the help of education, some of the youths of this community succeeded in a fight against the elders over some hectares of land not to be sold and the money shared, but rather to be reserved for community development such as schools, market, heath centres and youth development centres. Part of this land has being given for the building of schools.

It is base on this facts that Help People Help Themselves (CBO-HPHT) who is a voluntary organization based in Norway and Sierra Leone, has its office at No. 2 River has decided to embark on a project to build a six (6) classrooms and a staff room structure to help save the lives of these children. We have succeeded in securing a five hectares land from the community to build the school. We have also completed a concrete agreement with the local community with their contribution like man labour towards the project. We cannot fulfil this dream without your help with some finance, so we are appealing to you all to help save these children with the financial support. Support the children and save the globe.

Ingeniør Quamme.

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Videre planer- Ny skole i River no2

River no 2 er en landsby som ligger sør for hovedstaden Freetown. I dag går barna i River no 2 på skole i en nabolandsby. Barna må gå over en time hver vei for å komme til skolen. Skoleveien er i tillegg farlig og det har dessverre vært flere tilfeller av at skolebarn har blitt påkjørt.

SLCBO ønsker å samarbeide med lokalbefolkningen med å bygge en ny skole i landsbyen. Samarbeidet er allerede startet og vi har sammen funnet en egnet tomt for skolen. Det vil bli en 6 trinns barneskole for 300 elever. Arkitekt og Ingeniørfirmaet J.A Quamme ,har utarbeidet plantegninger for den nye skolen. Materialet vil hovedsakelig være naturstein og sand som finnes på byggetomta. Beregnede byggekostnader vil være NOK 150 000.

Ingeniør Quamme. 

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