Founder & chairman of the board:
Isaac Hauge Mansaray
Isaac comes from Sierra Leone. He grew up in Spain and has lived in Norway since 2000. He works for Oslo Kommune as nurse. Isaac likes staying in Norway, but still feels very connected to his homeland. On his last visit to Bonthe in 2008, he saw the need for growth and development in the community. They have the water and the fish, but the resources are not available. Large part of the inhabitants are unemployed, and many children dont go to school. This affects especially the people around the Island of Bonthe. He has strong belive in the project and have earlier experience from building the Organisation Cosop in Spain late 90`s. An organisation which is still operating today.His work here was integration of migrants through Red Cross. He therefore has wide experience from organisation work and are excited to meet others with the same entusiasme towards working on this projects as well as himself.
Project Manager:
Mariama Elaiza Webby(Sierra Leone)
Mariama Elaiza Webby, I was born on the 21st may 1987 in Freetown Sierra Leone, I attended the ST. Joseph’s Secondary School in Freetown from there I went to the Institute Of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) University of Sierra Leone where I studied Stores Management from 2007-2008. From 2009 – 2010 I read computer software and computer hardware basics at SYS- Net Computer School Freetown and 2010 – 2011, I study business and Finance, In the course of my one year of reading Business and Finance at the Institute Of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) University of Sierra Leone, I offered courses like Human Resource management, English language, Mathematics, Project Management, operations management and Information and communications Technology. Presently am reading BSc. Hons. In Business Administration at (IPAM) university of Sierra Leone and offering courses like English language, Mathematics, Project Management, operations management and Information and communications Technology in advance form.
National Coordinator:
Mohamed Turay(Sierra Leone)
Born in Bonthe on the 6th of October 1975, Mohamed Turay had both his primary and secondary educations in Sierra Leone. He graduated from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone with a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Political Science. In the course of his five years at university, he offered courses like English Language, History, Politics of Developing Countries, International Relations, Public Administration and Politics of Development. Following his graduation in 2002, he taught English Language at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Secondary School till 2005. In 2005, he was recruited by the National Electoral Commission as a District Electoral Officer responsible for the conduct, supervision and implementation of all electoral policies in his district. He was responsible for the conduct of the 2007 Presidential and Parliamentary elections as well as the 2008 Local Council elections. Throughout the years, he had undertaken several courses including, BRIDGE (Building Resources In Democracy, Governance and Elections), Security and Conflict Mitigation, and Gender. He has written several poems some of which have been published by the International Library of Poet, Maryland, USA.
Mackhan Sillah(Sierra Leone)
Mackhan Sillah was born in Bonthe on the17th July 1978. He attended the Bonthe Secondary School from where he entered Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. He graduated from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone with a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree in Peace and Conflict Studies. In the course of his four years at university, he offered courses like International Relations, Conflict Resolution, Gender & Conflict in Development, Democracy & Governance, Human Rights & State Building, International Humanitarian Law & Complex Political Emergencies, Peace Education, Communication & Media in Africa and Human Right. Following his graduation in 2010, he picked up a job with Community Animation and Development Organisation (CADO) a local Non-Governmental Organisation as Programme Animator. He is currently with International Alert (Sierra Leone) an International NGO as project coordinator.
Project Manager:
Jalikatu M. Dauda(Sierra Leone)
She was born in Bonthe on 3rd January 1986 where she attended the Bonthe Secondary School. She pursued her higher education at the Northern Polytechnic, Makeni. Jalikatu is currently a teacher at the St. Joseph’s Vocational Secondary School, Bonthe.She was born in Bonthe on 3rd January 1986 where she attended the Bonthe Secondary School. She pursued her higher education at the Northern Polytechnic, Makeni. Jalikatu is currently a teacher at the St. Joseph’s Vocational Secondary School, Bonthe.
Jorun BøhnHun er utdannet barnevernspedagog fra Høyskolen i Oslo og sosialantropologi fra Universitet i Oslo (UiO) I tillegg har hun tysk fra UiO og historie fra Høgskolen i Volda. Av arbeidserfaring siden 1990 har hun jobbet som miljøterapeut på ungdomsinstiusjon og saksbehandler i barneverntjenesten. Videre som fagkonsulent i Barne- og familieetaten, Kompetanseteamet mot tvangsekteskap og prosjektleder i Tverretatelig opertivt team i forhold til menneskehandel i Oslo kommune.
Francis Stevens George
George is a graduate from the London School of Economics. Mr. George holds an MBA degree and a Masters in Innovation and E-enterprise from The Norwegian School of Management. Mr. George has worked for the largest Norwegian company; provided consulting services to the UN, IFC (AMSCO), NORAD and several other organisations and Norwegian companies. Mr. George has a broad experience in several industries with the emphasis on information technology.
National Coordinator:
Lois Simche Roberts(Sierra Leone) born in moyamba district on the 9th November 1988. I attended the st joseph`s secondary school for girls from there i entered njala university,i graduated from njala university with a bsc Hons development studies in the course of my four years in the university I offered courses live research, project management,gender and development,following my graduation from the university I had a job with e-global drilling company as admin officer for a year and with queen`s knadira group as a secretary.
Project Manager:
Osman Tollo Kamara(Sierra Leone)
born on the 5th November 1979 at Magbele Junction, Port Loko District Northern Province. Attains SE/GCE O’ Level and later the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology, Congo Cross Campus with a Certificate, Diploma and Higher National Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Working as an Electrical Eng at the R.C.D Solar Company Ltd.
Mohamed Moipa Zombo (Sierra Leone)
Mohamed Moipa Zombo was born in Bonthe on the 12th of June 1988; he had both his primary and secondary educations in Sierra Leone. He graduated from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone with a Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Marine Biology. In the course of his four years at university, he offered courses like English Language, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. He also graduated from Eminent Sea Technician United (ESTU) Maritime with a diploma in Fish Processing Technology. In his two years course at college, he offered courses like Marketing and Distribution, Fish and Shell fish processing, Information Technology, Communication Skills, Marine Resource Exploitation, Hygiene and Sanitation, Cargo handling and storage, Quality control. In 2012, he was recruited as a Polling Centre Manager for the National Electoral Commission (NEC) 2012.
Jone Bøhren(Norway)
Jone was born and lives in Norway. He has a degree in Sound Engineering and Bachelor in Project Management.
He’s been working as a Radio Engineer in Norway’s biggest commercial radio station P4 since 2004.
He first visited Sierra Leone in January 2013 and got involved in SLCBO after his return.
His main project so far has been to raise money for waterpumps for the wells in Bonthe village.
In November 2013 he will return to Sierra Leone to oversee the installment of the third pump so far.