Bissau village is a village about 10 km walk away from Bonthe town within the Sherbro Island. With an approximate population of about 350 people, it is one of the biggest villages within the Island on which many other villages rely. This is thus the reason why it boasts of the only primary ‘school’ around, to which pupils of about age seven from other villages attend.
In 2012, Help People Help Themselves (HPHT) constructed water well at the school which provides safe drinking water for the children as well as the people of Bissau community who previously used the river not only for drinking but fishing, laundering, bathing, and even defecating.
Vannpumpe drevet av solenergi til skolen i Bonthe.
I fjor ble det bygget en brønn på skolen i Bonthe i Sierra Leone. Brønnen har vært i bruk, men mangler en vannpumpe. Vi har ønsket å montere en vannpumpe av flere årsaker. Det er alltid barna sin jobb å hente vann, og en pumpe vil gjøre jobben enklere og tryggere. Renslighet er også viktig. Det er vanlig med kolerautbrudd i Sierra Leone. Dårlig vannkvalitet er den største smittekilden. En vannpumpen vil lukke brønnen slik at vannet i brønnet rent.
Vi har nå vært så heldige å få hjelp av Jone Bøhren og brønnen er under bestilling . Jone tok initiativ til en privat innsamling for å finansiere pumpen. Med hjelp fra venner og kollegaer har han samlet inn 14 000 kr. Dette dekker vannpumpe, solcellepanel og montering. Pengene er satt inn på konto til SLCBO øremerket vannpumpe. Jone planlegger å reise til Bonthe i november for å bistå organisasjonen.
I tillegg til Jone vil vi takke; Lisa Askvik, Anne Sturød og Marte Kaasa Amtsen
Before the water well, the people of this community has to go to the stream to fetch their drinking water, cooking water, and water for other domestic purposes at the same time, the same stream is also use for bathing, laundry and defecation. For these reasons, over the years, the people of this community have suffered greatly from cholera and malaria. In the dry season especially, when 80% of the stream is dry and the water is stagnant. The mosquitoes are able to breed which causes the spread of malaria in the community. Also with that steady water with which the community uses for all sort of domestic purposes will become contaminated and in many cases people lose their lives in cholera outbreaks especially children and women.
If this project is funded, it will significantly contribute to the lives of these neglected children of Bissau village. The construction of a solar pump will ensure the children and community a clean and safe drinking water. This will be an important way to show these children that there shattered and devastating lives can be saved or changed. This project will also enhance the motivation of people to stay at this village who otherwise might be tempted to leave for bigger towns with high cost of living.